Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Baby Traitors!!!!

Why is it that every time I turn around it seems like something else happens to make me upset?

I know I am a little unhappy with myself for not losing the baby/ stress weight I have gained in the last year, and that I wish I could be working at a job that uses my education. I mean, I paid 20 K a year just to be there and now I can't even get a job that will help me pay off the loans properly. But this recent turn of events is like the last straw in dissapointments and it made me jealous as hell.

My daughter, Zoe, decided to say, "Da Da," before saying, "Ma Ma." How cruel can she be right? Not that she meant to hurt my feelings, but it was a blow to the eago for sure. I know making the da da sound is a lot easier than making the ma ma sound, but come on, I am the one who spends the time day in and day out taking care of her needs and Daddy happens to be this magical creature who swoops in and makes her so happy for the shortest period of time before dumping her back in my lap so that he can take care of his man business - i.e. a nap/ work/ studying/ etc.

And what do I get for all my hard work, time, care and attention? Zip. I ask her to say, "Ma Ma," and she only shakes her head no and smiles at me. Who creates these baby traitors? And why does it seem that they always say, "Da Da," first?

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